Sassafras Knits
It’s called the Vulva • Sticker
It's called the Vulva! popped into my head one evening when getting frustrated that some random human on the internet was speaking about the vulva yet calling it the vagina. I believe the day before I had also gone to the gyno and was chatting about things, with detail of locale in order to answer a question I had.
I love biology and science and many of its nuances but this is not a nuance. Being able to call a body part what it actually is and know what you're talking about can empower anyone to better care for themselves. Popular culture and society norms be damned, so much value can be added to your life by being empowered to know yourself, and in turn, educate others who may not know. Break through the social standard that calls it impolite to speak about such things. We are humans, we are educated, and we have more than a vagina.
Artwork by Leigh Yost